Don't Give Up


Don’t faint!
Don’t quit!
Don’t give up!
Believe yet in the Lord
People are giving up in our world today. Giving up because they’re tired of lost all around them. Lost of family members, lost of jobs, lost of health, lost of finances. But believer don’t you dare give up! The One who was, is and is to come surrounds you like a shield. Don’t faint in the time of trouble and testing. Wait yet on the Lord. He has a plan and a purpose through all of it. As you wait on the Lord He renews your strength. You are able to walk and not grow weary, run and not faint.
Don’t lose heart because God is the Promise Keeper. Keep believing, keep trusting to see His goodness in your land. His goodness in your body, His goodness in your mind, His goodness in your spirit. His goodness even in your finances. God knows, God sees. He is your Light and your Salvation.

Psalm 27:1-14
Isa. 40:28-31

Don't Give Up


Don’t faint!
Don’t quit!
Don’t give up!
Believe yet in the Lord
People are giving up in our world today. Giving up because they’re tired of lost all around them. Lost of family members, lost of jobs, lost of health, lost of finances. But believer don’t you dare give up! The One who was, is and is to come surrounds you like a shield. Don’t faint in the time of trouble and testing. Wait yet on the Lord. He has a plan and a purpose through all of it. As you wait on the Lord He renews your strength. You are able to walk and not grow weary, run and not faint.
Don’t lose heart because God is the Promise Keeper. Keep believing, keep trusting to see His goodness in your land. His goodness in your body, His goodness in your mind, His goodness in your spirit. His goodness even in your finances. God knows, God sees. He is your Light and your Salvation.

Psalm 27:1-14
Isa. 40:28-31

Make God Your Priority

Do you have a “to do” list?
What does it look like? If your to do list is so crowded with activities, events and things “to do” that it crowds out your time with God you need to rethink your list. It’s important that we as believers know our proper priorities. The truth is if we don’t make God our number one priority each day nothing on our “to do” list will get done or done correctly. But when “spend time with God” is first on your to do list your day will flow naturally. You will experience success without stress. If you’re too busy for God - you’re just too busy! Make God your priority. Invite Jesus unto your day and trust Him to work all things together for your good and yes help you with your “to do’s”!

Ps. 1:1-3; Ps. 138:1-8

God Will Supply


The greater the need, the greater the supply. God’s promise is to supply all that we need according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. But what do we need? We need air to breathe, water to drink, food to eat, a place of shelter and warmth. Do you have these? Jesus said our Heavenly Father of course knows we need all these things but He said we should need and seek for something even greater than these physical things. We are commanded to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness first. That means the spiritual is of greater priority than the physical needs of our flesh. As we put God first and His Kingdom, ie His concerns, what is near and dear to His heart then all these other things will be given to us as well. We must seek God’s heart, seek His Face and not just His Hand.
I challenge you in your prayer life to change the focus from asking God for things ( which He of course has already provided) and instead ask God for what’s on His heart. Ask God to pray through you a prayer that matters to Him. Ask Him to teach you how to pray for changed hearts, changed attitudes and thought patterns, deliverances and interventions. Trust God that as you attend to those things that are priority to Him that He will take care of all that concerns you.

Keep trusting
Keep believing

Phil. 4:19; Matt. 6:25-34

Feed Your Faith


I don’t know what your fears are, but if they are typical we all have them. Fear of not having enough to provide for yourself or your loved ones, fear of not being healthy or not recovering from an illness, fear of not finding the right mate, fear of being alone, fear in these days of just walking the streets. But as Christians even though fears will pop up in our heads from time to time we don’t have to give in to them. We don’t have to feed our fears by dwelling on them and allowing them to change who we are! We are children of the Most High God who has already spoken and told us He hasn’t given us a spirit of fear. It’s time to throw off fear, feed our faith and walk this walk with peaceful confidence that our God is Bigger. Bigger than any fear, Bigger than any issue of life, real or imagined! I encourage you today to walk in what God has given you: power, love and a sound mind. We have no reason to fear. Our God is with us and He is Bigger.

2 Tim 1:7;

1 John 4:17-18

Ps. 27:1

Resist Worry


I’ve learned over the years that worry accomplishes only one thing—more worry!
Worry does not solve problems, does not bring solutions, does not make you feel better —so why do it! I believe we do it out of habit. Our mind is a wonderful thing. It can rouse up our imagination into all different scenarios as to how an issue should go or how it will be played out. We tend to lean on the side of the negative scenarios. But I’ve also learned that when I trust God to resolve my issue, it always gets resolved in the best possible outcome for all involved. He knows how to work out my problems. He knows how to get things done. So since worry only breeds more worry and brings its friends of anxiety, stress and fear along for the ride, I’ve decided to let God handle my issues: (financial, job, relationships, family, etc. ) I ask Him to work through me His Will, His purpose, His plan. I’ve also learned that God never worries! So why should I! He’s got it all in control. I encourage you today to resist worry and develop a new habit of praying about everything and trusting God in all things.

. Matt. 6:25-34; Phil. 4:6-9

Yes You CAN!


Just a quick reminder that it's not by might or power, but by the Spirit of the Living God. Yes, God said you CAN  do all things through Christ, not some things but all things. You CAN interview for that new job, you CAN face that doctor, that attorney, you CAN forgive the one who hurt you, you CAN love unconditionally, you CAN start that business, you CAN begin again, you CAN complete that course, that degree, you CAN write that book, you CAN read the entire Bible, you CAN! Why? Because Christ, the anointed One, gives you the strength. Jesus is your literal strength! 
Phil 4:13 from The Message Bible says: "I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am."
Amazing! God makes you who you are! So of course you are a winner,  of course you CAN succeed, of course you have victory because it's God's plan! Job learned this about God: "I know that You can do everything and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You." Job 42:2
Believe, Receive

Zech 4:6; Phil. 4:13; Job 42:2

Forgive as Christ Forgave Us


“Father forgive them because they know not what they do.” Jesus said this as He hung dying on a wooden Roman cross. But who was He forgiving? The Romans whose idea of punishment was nailing human flesh to slabs of wood until they expired? The Jews who conspired against Him and falsely accused Him of crimes He did not commit? The people who cried out for Him to be crucified? Yes He was forgiving them, but never let us lose sight of the fact that He was also forgiving you and me — us. Forgiving us of our sin by His shed blood. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. We are forgiven of original sin - the sin of rebellion against God and subsequent separation from God the Father. Through His blood we are now in right standing with the Father. Any sins of commission or omission we may now commit in the flesh — is covered. All  we need do is ask for forgiveness and it is given because the price for our forgiveness has already been paid— at the cross of Calvary. Does it sound simple - well it is! When we receive Jesus as our Savior we are forgiven of our sins. As forgiven people we are to extend forgiveness to others who may have hurt us, lied about us, mistreated us or even betrayed us with a kiss! We have been freely forgiven, let us freely forgive.

Luke 23:34; Lev.17:11; Heb 9:22; Eph. 4:32

Our Words Matter


Do you know how to answer everyone? It’s called tact. Not a term we hear much these days. It’s seems that people are feeling free to speak whatever pops into their minds, no matter how negative, demeaning or destructive their words might be. But words matter and for a Christian our words matter to God. That’s why we should always pray Colossians 4:6. That all our words be grace seasoned with salt. May we give thought to our words before we release them. May they edify the hearer, may they bring peace, may they be spoken in love, may they add flavor and life to another. Curses roll of the tongue of a fool, but he who blesses is wise. I pray you consider your words before you speak them and recognize the power you hold to build up or tear down with a word. I pray you chose to speak with tact today and every day.

Col. 4:6; Pr. 18:21

Believe in Miracles


I believe in miracles! God is in the miracle working business! He said nothing is too hard for Him to do. Nothing is impossible with Him. Make your request known and then thank Him for the miracle you need. Then expect to receive. Believe God. Put your trust in Him. He will not fail to be faithful. Be sure to share your testimony and testify to the goodness of God.

Mark 11:12-24

Trust is an Action Word


He’s teaching us to trust. God is teaching us through every trial, difficulty, issue, temptation to trust in Him. To Trust is a verb. An action word. Trust is not passive inaction. When we trust God we kneel our hearts before Him then stand up and walk confidently knowing God reigns. He’s got this. When we trust we utilize other action words: we wait, listen, rely on, rejoice, rest, abide and  believe. 
I encourage you this day to trust God. No matter the doctor report, the notice from your bank, the letter from the attorney, the suddenlies of life appearing at your doorstep—trust God. He has a plan, He has a purpose. He who has begun a good work in you is completing it. Just trust.

Pr.3:5&6; Phil. 1:6

Perfect Peace


We can have perfect peace, but the trick is to keep our mind stayed on Him who is the Prince of Peace.  The issue is our mind often wonders, it strays off into stinking thinking. The “what if’s” scenarios play over and over in our heads. For every “yeah and amen” we   hear a “yeah, but.” The “but’s” and “what if’s” become bigger if we don’t nip them in the bud. If we don’t stop them in their tracks. If we allow them to grow they soon drown out the word of truth in our hearts. They will rip up the seeds of faith planted in our spirits. That’s why we must renew our mind daily in the Word of God. That’s why we must allow our minds to be transformed by the Word. Jesus told his disciples: “peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you, not as the world gives give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid.”
He is telling us the same thing today. No matter what you have to face today in your life, release the “what if’s,” drop the “buts” and walk in perfect peace. Have an awesome day.

Isa. 26:3; John 14:27

The Spring is Here


Spring is one of my favorite seasons. It teaches me that dreams and hopes that look dead are not at all. They may have been covered with dirt: hardships, pains, hurts or hidden from view because of delays, depression, discouragement, disappointments. Ahh, but when the Spring comes, praise God,  my dreams are given the strength to push through that dirt, to push pass the pain, rejection. My hopes live again! I learn that dirt was the very soil my hopes and dreams needed to thrive - even when I couldn’t see it happening. I learned to have faith in God during seasons of dry ground, of testing and trial. I learned God always has a good purpose for dirt. He’s the one that turns that meant for evil dirt into meant for good soil- a  nutrient rich environment I didn’t even know I needed. Spring reminds me to keep hope alive. As the Anita Wilson song says: “My eyes may not see it, by faith I believe it..”
I encourage you today to keep hope alive. The winter is past, the Spring is here. Believe again, dare to dream again. God is working it out on your behalf!

John 11:17-27; Mark 11:22-24

Turn it Over to God


Try as I might— I can’t figure it out! I can’t figure out everything in my life. Strain as I might, wonder, ponder, worry n fret, I still don’t have the answers — without God. So I have turned my life over to Him because He has the plan. God has the blueprint for my life. My being anxious about my life does not bring clarity, only frustration. If you are like me— don’t be anxious about your life, learn to turn it over to God. He knows the plans He has for you. Plans of good and not evil. Plans that bring hope and a future. As we pray and seek His will, He reveals His plan for us step by step. He does the hard part of planning and we get to do the fun part of executing His plan. Have an awesome worry-free day.

Jer. 29:11-12

Accept that God is Good

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Accept God Life into your life today. Don’t accept defeat. God has made you for victory. Don’t accept fear, the Lord is your Light and Salvation. Don’t accept low self-esteem, you are accepted in the Beloved. Don’t accept depression , God has given you a sound mind. Don’t accept indifference, God has given you His Spirit of love. Don’t accept worry. cast your cares upon the Lord. He takes good care of you. Don’t accept lack. Pray to your Father, He will provide. Don’t accept weakness, the Lord is your strength. Don’t accept sickness, the Lord is your healer. Believe His report.  Accept that God is good. Accept that He loves you. Have a victorious day.

John 3:16; Ps.27:1; 2 Tim.1:7; Ps 103:1-5

Learn to Love You


 Do you have a lesser view of yourself than God does? Do you feel un-lovely? Do you think of yourself as less than others? Do you see yourself as less brilliant, less creative, less attractive as others? Well if you are a child of God, stop that stinking thinking right now! God made you the way you are. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. God didn’t make a mistake when you were formed in your mother’s womb. When you were born again God brought out all your highlights! Your caring heart, your forgiving spirit, your loving nature. You are significant! You are dearly loved by God. You are His Beloved and the apple of His eye! You are accepted and cared for. Take God at His Word and receive His love and learn to love you! Have a victorious day.

Song of Solomon 7:10; John 15:13; Eph. 1:3-9

Dare to Trust God


Dare to trust God! Trust Him for the little things, trust Him for the big things. He who has begun a good work in you is completing it. Even right now as you are reading this, God is at work in your life for good. He’s handling that sudden crisis. He’s tackling that messy relationship, He’s straightening out that tangled mess of confusion. He won’t fail to rescue you. He just wants you to believe that your prayers are heard and that He is answering. Never stop trusting God. He supplies wisdom, direction, Hope, joy, love, peace. No matter what you have to face today remember the Lord Jesus is right there with you — And with Him you are successful. Have a the victorious day.

Phil. 4:13; Pr. 3:5-6

You Are a Person of Purpose


You are a person of purpose. You were born for a reason. God had a plan in mind for you when you were in your mother’s womb. God has not changed His mind regarding that plan. But life has challenges that can make you think maybe God has forgotten you or worse forsaken you, but nothing can be further from the truth. God knows, God sees. He has promised to never leave you or forsake you. Therefore you must:
1- believe God has a plan for your life 
2- believe that plan is a good plan because God is only good 
3- spend time in fellowship and communion with God so you will know what is the plan
4-submit and surrender to God’s plan 
5-ask God for strength/courage to walk out His plan

His plan will always revolve around you doing justly, loving mercy and walking humbly with your God. 

Jer. 29:11; Micah 6:8; Ro.8:28-39

Be Content

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There is great gain in contentment. Contentment is not complacency. Complacency operates from a place of laziness, a place of quitting and giving up, but not contentment. Contentment operates from a place of victory, a place of power, a place of faith. Contentment recognizes I may not have everything I want, but I’m still moving toward my goal while trusting my God to supply all I need when I need it. Contentment is not pushy and obnoxious, pushing people down to move up. There is sweet peace in contentment because it knows God’s got this! Contentment says I have prayed, asked God and I wait for the manifestation of the answer. God’s timing is perfect. He always shows up on time and if you are content where you are right now, He will show off in your life. He longs to pour His Amazing Grace upon you. Trust God and be content. Have a great day.

Phil. 4:11-13