Jesus is the Light of Christmas


Is Jesus the Light of your Christmas? Or has the the glow of tree lights, the sparkle of gifts or all that glitters dimmed or even taken away the true Light? This Christmas keep your focus on Jesus and do not allow the world’s manipulation of the Christmas season to diminish your joy. Remember the reason for your celebration- Light has come into the world. Hope is manifested and joy and rejoicing has filled the earth because our Savior was born.

John 1:1-13; Luke 2:10-11

The Real Message of Christmas


The real message of Christmas is simple. It's not buy more, spend more. It's not decorate more trees. It's not drink more eggnog and party all night. It’s not even sharing a meal with family and friends. The real message of Christmas is let us worship. Come all you faithful,  come and adore Him. Born the King of angels. Who is this that we should worship? It is Christ the Lord. For unto us a Son is given, unto us a Child is born. And His Name shall be called Wonderful,  Counselor,  Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace and of His Kingdom, there will be no end. For unto us is born this day, in the City of David - a Savior, Christ the Lord. Worship Him! Adore Him!This is message of Christ-mas.

Isa. 9:6-7; Luke 2:10-14

Keep Christ in Christ-mas


They call it "Happy Holidays." But it's only one holiday "they're" talking about: Christmas. They don't have menorahs in their commercials nor do you see children on TV playing with dreidels (a Hanukkah toy). The color for Hanukkah is blue, not red and green.  So they're not celebrating Hanukkah or Kwanzaa for that matter when they say "Happy Holidays." They're celebrating Christmas. They have holiday light competitions over the greatest light displays covering every inch of their homes. But they're called Christmas lights because Christ is the Light of the world.  They decorate holiday trees and put them in their homes, in their offices, in their malls,  in their communities. But it's called a Christmas tree because Christ died on a tree that we might have life. They give holiday gifts to family and friends, but they're called Christmas gifts because Christ is the greatest Gift to mankind. Their kids make holiday lists of all the toys they want Santa Claus (a person who only exists in literature and imagination ) to bring them for the holidays. But it's the birthday of a King, the Christ Child (Who Was, Who Is and Who Is to come). What gifts do we bring Him? And yet He brings us salvation,  peace and joy.  They say it's a holiday to show love, but at Christmas God showed what love really is. For God so loved the world He gave His only begotton Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. What am I saying? Don't fall into this "Happy Holidays" mind set. If you are Jewish you celebrate Hanukkah. If you are a Christian you celebrate Christmas. But now it seems anyone whether they are Christians or not can celebrate Christmas by conveniently calling it "Happy Holidays!" All fluff and no substance!  PLEASE Keep it real this Christmas, if you are a Christian (Ro. 10:9-10) know what you're celebrating and why you're celebrating. Keep Christ in Christ-mas!

John 3:16-21; Luke 2:1-14; Isa. 9:6-7; Rev. 4:2-11


Make This Christmas Season Count


I love Christmas.  This is the season where evangelism is so easy. All we have to do it tell the Christmas story. Not the Christmas story of shop till you drop or eat until you're stuffed or this nonsense of Santa Claus,  but the REAL Christmas story. It's found in Luke 2:1-14. The story that a Savior is born, a Redeemer of mankind. The John 3:16 story. Make this Christmas season count.  Every time you buy a gift it's an opportunity to demonstrate the love of God.  Every time you say "Merry Christmas " its an opportunity to tell the Good News. Every time you sing a Christmas carol, its an opportunity to reveal the Truth of Christmas. Don't be silent in this Christmas season. May your deeds and words and song proclaim: "for unto us is born this day in the city of David, a Savior who is Christ the Lord!"

Isa. 9:6-7; Luke 2:1-14;


Tell a Child about Christ this Christmas


Did you tell your children to be good or they won't get a gift from Santa Claus?  Did you tell your grandkids  you'll take them shopping for toys? Did you tell your nephews, nieces,  you'll take them to see the "Holiday tree" at Rockefeller Center or the pretty lights in your neighborhood ? Did you tell your godchildren you'll take them to see the Rockettes Holiday show?  Did you tell the kids in your Sunday school class that there will be a Secret Santa gift exchange this year? BUT-- Did you tell them the reason for the season? Did you tell them about Jesus? Lead them to Christ. That would be the best gift they will ever have. Tell a child this Christmas about Christ.

Ro. 5:15-21

Give Love This Christmas


As you make your Christmas list this year remember to add things that money can't buy. Sometimes all a family member or friend wants for Christmas is your presence with them. Your love, your caring, your hug, your smile. This is true from the very young to the most aged, especially those in nursing homes or other care facilities.  Make an effort to visit them this year. Make an effort to not just give a present, but to BE present in the lives of your love ones. Give love this Christmas. 

Luke 1:39-45

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff


We don't have to carry around any burdens of life. Jesus is our Burden Bearer. Give them to Him. He can shoulder them even as He carries us. Trust God to lead,  guide and provide for you each new day. Nothing is too hard for Him to do.  So let go of your burdens and let God perfect every thing that concerns you. Put life in its proper perspective and don't sweat the small stuff.

Matt. 11:28-30; Ps. 55:22

Stay on the Path of Righteousness


If you are born again of the Spirit of God,  it is easy to discern the voice of God from the enemy's voice. Jesus said my sheep know my voice and another they will not follow. This was an object lesson Jesus was teaching His disciples. They were many shepherds and many different herds in that day, but even if the herds mingled together,  when the shepherds called their sheep the sheep would only go to their own shepherd. There was no confusion.  They recognized their master's voice. And so, if we belong to Christ, we recognize His voice and follow Him. The voice of the enemy is also easy to recognize.  It brings uneasiness, discouragement and despair because he only comes to steal, kill and destroy. If you are struggling to make a decision or need clarity on a matter, take a minute to quite your spirit and listen to what God is speaking into your heart. Reject all fear, anxiety, worry, defeatism. This is the enemy and he is a liar! Trust your loving Heavenly Father to speak to you then do what He says. You will walk in peace and stay on the path of righteousness. 

John 10:1-30

Keep Moving Forward


Where we place our focus is what we dwell on. What we dwell on will determine if we're stuck looking backwards in regret or moving forward with excited expectation of what the day will bring.  The Apostle Paul had to press toward the mark of prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.  His eyes were on Jesus,  not his past mistakes and failures, not his current problems,  not his ability or lack thereof.  He kept his eyes on Jesus.  He dwelt on the truth of God's love for him, acceptance of him and forgiveness of him. So keep your focus on Jesus no matter what is happening in you, around you or to you. Dwell on Jesus.  Keep moving forward. 

  Phil. 3:7-16; 4:8-9

There is Purpose in the Every Day


There is power in the every day-ness of life. There is purpose in the every day. You should never take it for granted that you woke up. Tomorrow is not a given. So if you woke up, God has a plan and a purpose for your day. He wants you to live life to its fullest every day. You do that by praying in the morning and asking Him for His direction for that day. He will always lead you to be a blessing to someone, to give away what you have— not silver or gold,  but that which is even more precious- your faith, your love, your joy, your peace, your hope. Give to someone who has none or may need a refreshing word of encouragement. There is always someone who can benefit from your life. You are the difference you want to see in this world. So thank God for waking you up and get on with living. Make it a great day.

Ps. 118:24; Heb. 3:7-8; Heb. 13:1-8

Don't Conform


Are you a conformist? God does not want you to conform to a world system and culture that is diametrically opposed to His Kingdom. Yes, you are in the world, but you are not of this world. What does that mean? It means instead of being a conformist, God takes delight in you seeking transformation! When you allow the Holy Spirit to guide and lead you into all truth by reading the Word and living it out, by presenting what you do with your life to Him, you are being transformed into the God idea that is you! When you stay on this path, you change. You no longer look like the world, dress like the world, talk like the world, think like the world. Your mind is renewed and you begin to see from God’s perspective. You begin to want what He wants for your life. Be encouraged today to live a transformed life. A life that reflects Christ.

Ro. 12:1-2; Col. 2:6-8; I John 2:15-17

Count Your Blessings


God daily loads you with benefits (blessings) each and every day. You should always be grateful because God gives. He gives liberally and generously. All you have to do is receive. By the way, His blessings are always awesome. Always more than you deserve. So count your blessings one by one and give thanks unto the Lord.

Ps. 68:19; Ps. 100


Put Faith to Work


Put faith to work. Have you noticed that Faith takes work, it  takes effort, but Doubting on the other hand comes so easily.  It takes work to have faith that  an unfavorable mountain, an issue you see right in front of you will be removed or changed for the better. It's so much easier to think -- I see the mountain,  I see it's bigger than me, I see it's stronger than me so it will never be removed. Nothing will ever change. What I see in front of me is my only reality,  so I might as well quit, throw in the towel, give up. That's why the Lord reminds you to walk and live by faith and not by sight. Faith does not say there is no mountain,  it simply says my GOD is BIGGER than any mountain,  BIGGER  than any problem or issue of life I see in front of me. You don't face a mountain alone, God is ever with you and He is working all out for your good and for His glory.  Don't take the easy way out and doubt-- put faith to work today. Stand in faith knowing God is BIGGER.

Habakkuk  2:4; 3:17-19; Ro. 1:17; Hebrews 11:1-3

Hide God's Word in Your Heart


God’s Word is perfect. It will direct you, instruct you, comfort you, inform you, and challenge you. Hide it in your heart so you do not sin against Him. Memorize scripture and allow the Holy Spirit to bring it back to your remembrance in the time of need. Study the word and make reading it a part of your every day routine. God will speak to you through His Word and you will renewed in spirit.

Ps. 119:9-16

Walk in Resurrection Power


This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it knowing we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. So let us walk in resurrection power today. Power to do God's will. Power to say yes to God and no to the devil. Power to stand, power to live holy, power to walk in grace, power to be all God has created us to be.

Acts 1:8;  2 Cor. 4:7-18; 2Tim.1:7

In Moments Like These


In moments like these we will continue to trust in the Lord. Moments when our bodies need healing, moments when our grief is overwhelming,  moments when our pain is deep. These are the moments we raise our eyes upward and look into the face of our  Savior who suffered for us, bore our pains and sorrows and is acquainted with our grief. He has won the victory for us. In moments like these -- be encouraged for they will pass, but our trust in Christ will last. 
Make it a blessed day.

Isa. 53

Grace and Peace


We greet each new day with Grace and Peace as these are gifts given to us from a loving Father who saw our need in advance and sent a provision- our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. Grace and Truth came through Him and He is our Prince of Peace. A Peace the world cannot give, a Peace the world cannot take away. Walk with Grace today. God’s unmerited favor is upon you. Walk in Peace today. Don’t allow anything to disturb your peace.

John 1:17; Isa. 9:6; Ps. 5:12

Give Thanks to God


Give thanks to the Lord. He is good and his mercy endures forever. It is easy to give thanks to God if we learn to keep our eyes on Jesus.  If we focus on the world, the flesh and the devil we will feel we have nothing to be thankful for and that will lead to depression. But we are to remember that we are children of the Most High God and we have much to be thankful for. As we choose to  come up higher and see from God’s perspective, our circumstances may not change right away, but we will change in the midst of them. We will walk in hope, receive love and continually give thanks to God for His Mercy and Grace.

Ps. 105:1-5; Ps. 42:1-11

Jesus is the Rock


Jesus is the Rock on which you stand. He is your sure foundation. When life’s issues threaten to overwhelm you remember this: go to the Rock which is higher. Higher than the pain of betrayal, higher than lack of funds or resources, higher than a negative diagnosis, higher than any legal trouble. Go to Jesus, He will keep your mind in perfect peace as you stay connected to Him, as you trust Him to keep you safe and protected through the many storms of life. This day rejoice that you have a recourse, rejoice you can go to the Rock and be steady and strong. Have a victorious day.

Pr. 26:1; Ps. 61:1-4; Isa. 26:3

Press into Hope


Hold on to your joy, press into hope, stay patient no matter what, maintain your faith, never stop praying. If you struggle in any of these areas there is help: the Holy Spirit. He is the one called alongside to help.   He will lead you into all Truth and give you what you need to live life victoriously! All you need do is ask. Ask for help today. Receive help today and walk in peace.

Ro. 12:12; John 15:26; 16:1-14