Be the Clay in the Potter's Hands


Clay has no distinct shape until it is molded to a predetermined design by the Potter. The Potter has the blueprint of the design in mind as he bends and molds the clay as it spins on the wheel. This is a perfect analogy of what God is doing with our lives, molding and shaping them into a predetermined design. But true clay does not ask to get off the wheel because it’s uncomfortable, true clay does not question the Potter why are you bending me this way? True clay does not wonder if the Potter has made a mistake in his design. My prayer for all of us is to be True Clay in our Father’s Hands. Trust Him. He’s got it planned out. He knows what He’s doing. He doesn’t make mistakes. He’s creating a masterpiece if you let Him. Be True Clay today.

Jer. 18:1-6; Isa. 29:16; Isa. 64:8; Ro. 9:20