Pray First


What you do first matters. If there is a fire in your home you first call the firefighters and not try to put it out on your own. You recognize there is someone more capable of dealing with it than you can. In any emergency, you seek out help first and not rely on your own strength. Likewise, when facing any issue of life you need to pray first. So before you get a lawyer, before you go to the doctor, before you call the bank, before you make a major decision, before you discipline your kids- PRAY FIRST.
When you pray first you are calling on God for help. You are saying I don’t want to handle this situation on my own, in my own strength. You are saying Lord I recognize you are more capable of handling this issue than I am so I’m asking for your help, your intervention. God wants you to go to Him first. He will give you direction and wisdom to know what to do and how to do it. This makes life so much easier to know you are not alone, you don’t have to manage on our own. There is Help. His Name is Jesus. Call on that Name. Pray first.

Jer. 33:3; Ps. 46:1; Ps. 4:1; 1 John 5:14-15